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Here we talk about all things handmade – we love sewing handmade bags, purses, clutches, coin purses, makeup bags, wristlets and baby bibs. We're always finding new fabrics and playing with new designs. Make sure to stay tuned here to learn more about what we do, where we're from (New York!) and find out about our latest favorite handmade accessories.

Surfs up! Surfer Girls Wallet Wristlets

Wallet Wristlets - Surfer Girl Print

Every girl needs a wallet that keeps them organized and makes them look cool when they’re out-and-about. The beach is no exception to that rule and that’s where our surfer girls wallet wristlets come in. These wallet wristlets are not only cool but functional travel necessities.

Wallet Wristlets - Surfer Girls Pink and Green

Summer is typically a time of travel and vacations with the family. Who wants to drag along a big tote bag to sit by the pool or to check out the sites? If that idea does not sound appealing to you then check out our surfer girls wallet wristlets.

Wallet Wristlets - Mavericks Surfer Girls Blue

Wallet Wristlet - Blue Surfer Girl Pin up Print

These wristlets just scream summertime and they’re handmade. They are designed to hold your identification, phone, cash and credit cards. Keeping you organized and your belongings safe while you are on-the-go. They come with an additional two front pockets that are perfect for easy access to cash or cards.

Wallet Wristlets - Pink and Green Surfer Girls Print

Wallet Wristlet - Green Surfer Girl Pin up Print

These beautiful wallets measure 8 inches wide by 6 inches high, so you will have easy access to your smartphone no matter the size. The beautiful prints designed by Alexander Henry fabrics burst with vivid colors and summer vibes.

Wallet Wristlets - Blue and Dark Brown Surfer Girls

If you’re looking for a travel friendly wallet this summer, check out our Surfer Girls Pink Wallet Wristlet and Surfer Girls Blue Wallet Wristlet. Let us keep you ready for your next adventure.

Wallet Wristlets - Pink and Green Surfer Girl

Wallet Wristlets - Blue and Brown Surfer Girl


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