Handmade Wristlets and iPhone Wallets for Women
Ever have one of those days when you don’t want to carry a big bag, but you need something to hold your wallet, phone and keys. Our handmade wristlets and iPhone wallets are just what you need for those times. They’re excellent for days when you want to run a quick errand or need something small to carry with you to your kids’ afterschool activities. Doubling as a smartphone wristlet you can easily store your iPhone, Samsung Galaxy or other mobile device in our wristlets.
We have all been there. For example your makeup falls out into your bag, keys get lodged at the bottom of your overstuffed purse or credit/debit cards manage to spill into your handbag. While we have all experienced times when keeping all your essentials together seems like an unending task, a large wristlet is perfect for gathering everything in to one place. Our wristlets are 8 inches wide by 6 inches high so they hold some of your most important items like your wallet, keys and makeup. Did I forget to mention the two front pockets that are perfect for holding cash, credit or debit cards?
Whether going out to dinner with friends or on a date night, our fabric wristlets offer something for everyone. You will be relieved to not have to worry where you will hang your bag while out with friends. Date night will be easier when you’re not dragging around a large purse freeing you up for more quality time with that special someone. At just $28, our wristlets are guaranteed not to break your bank while still offering you a high quality handmade bag.
Wristlets are a practical and stylish addition to any women’s wardrobe; check out some of our favorites below.