A Lesson in Change

I’m sure that I’m not the only one who hates change, but it seems like it’s the only constant thing in this life. As I write this, I am getting ready for a surgery I never thought would happen. I am also realizing this journey has been a long one filled with small gains, a lot of pain, perseverance and at times sobbing tears. As I sat in the surgeon’s office last week with my sister, we went over everything that had happened in the last 15 years (YES 15!). Everything from initially being diagnosed with ulcerative colitis to then having that changed to IBS to recently finding out I have colonic inertia. After seeing my stretched, looped and out of place intestines, the one thing that stuck with me is that I have not been taking care of myself the way I should be. Through every diagnosis I continued to keep my crazy work schedule. I remember one year I was working 7 days straight (day job, small business and trade shows) until I made myself terribly sick. Finally, it seems that my body has had enough so it’s time to make some changes.
The first change is that 144 Collection will be closing from Saturday, May 11th to Monday, July 8th while I recovery from surgery. I don’t know what life will be like after surgery, but I’m determined for it to be a better one. I’m looking forward to being able to take vacations that are out of the state or even out of the country. I’m looking forward to life without constant pain and medication. Most importantly I’m looking forward to finally putting myself and my health first. I love making these incredible accessories, but I must change my habits in order to do so.
